Generative Odyssey Creative coding + print // generating unique patterns by iteratively updating values in a single codebase [ JavaScript ]
Data Portrait Visual narrative of personal data - sleep patters (9AM - 4AM) // experiments with hover interactions [ p5.js ]
Expressive Type Bringing flavor to life through interactive kinetic typography [ p5.js ]
The First snow Visualizing memory through sound // creating visuals from audio frequencies of my family’s first snow day video, with manual breaks added to reflect key moments, adding a human touch to the computer-generated work [ TouchDesigner ]
Celestial Clock 'People like us who believe in physics know that the distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion' - Albert Einstein An alternative method of timekeeping inspired by the varying lengths of a day on different planets, illustrating the relative speed and flow of time across the solar system [ p5.js ]